Terms, Conditions, Privacies, Copyrights, & Other Legal Protections For Us All

By visiting our website, you automatically agree to everything we share below. Capeesh?


We, us, and our refer to Pastimes Marketing and its owners.

You, your, and yours refer to you as a visitor to our site, pastimesmarketing.com, but could also refer to you as a business owner, or to your business itself when using our products and services.

By products and services, we mean the digital downloads, workshops, and consultations available in our store, but also any work we agree to in a scope of work or through a membership subscription.

Play By Our Rules

  1. We don’t know where you are located, but we are located in the United States. So don’t break any laws local or otherwise related to our products and services. This includes libel, slander, and hate speech, but also our reasonable opinion of obscene, invasive, rude, or spam. We promise to do the same.
  2. We make no guarantees that by using our products or services that you or your business will thrive. There is so much out of our control here. We promise to deliver the goods with skill and care, and we do think they’ll help, but we can’t be held accountable for your financial or commercial success.
  3. Sharing is caring except when it’s not yours to share.
    1. Please don’t take any copy or designs from our website, products, or services and share it elsewhere on the Internet or claim it as your own. This includes any trademarks, copyrights, and all intellectual property. Beyond being just shady AF, it’s also real bad for our SEO⏤and of course yours if you steal it. The big bad algorithm will find it and label both webpages as duplicative content and remove both from search engine results.
    2. You do not have permission to edit, publish, distribute, sell, or reproduce our stuff in any way. If you really, really think we’re complete geniuses and you want to share our work, please ask permission first, and understand that we must reply and give written permission for it to be legit.
    3. You are welcome to share the products you purchase within your company. However, instead of sharing the actual PDFs with anyone outside your organization, please send them a link to our store. We love that you think it’s valuable enough to share, really! Just, you know, we gotta eat! Oh, and you could also do us a solid and leave a review too!
  4. We use WooCommerce to process credit card payments. By purchasing anything from us, you agree to the terms, conditions, and user agreements set by them.
  5. We won’t store more of your data than we have to.
    1. We use a fancy Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to transmit your personal data online and via email. See the s in the https:// at the beginning of our URL. This is the standard best practice for data encryption, but if something better comes along, we’ll move to that as soon as possible.
    2. If you aren’t purchasing a product or service, we still may collect information from you if you subscribe or enable cookies. This could include the email address you provide and site behavior. It also helps us keep track of things in your shopping cart if you left and came back. It’s all automated and stored in secure tools like Mailchimp and WordPress plug-ins. We will use it to deliver requested information, but also to improve our site, products, and services. We may also use it to personalize your experience with us. We may in the future use social media pixels to personalize advertising on those platforms, but we don’t yet. We’ll let ya know if that changes.
    3. When you purchase a product, we do not store your credit card information, billing address, phone number, or any associated passwords, but we will store your name, email address, what products you purchased, and when that purchase was made. This helps us to know what types of products are most relevant to you. If you give us explicit permission, we may email you with updated or related products in the future. You can unsubscribe from those emails at any time from the bottom of any of our emails, or email us at friends@pastimesmarketing.com
    4. If you fill out a form for a consultation or kickoff meeting for our services, we will store any information you provide using only Google and Typeform’s secure backend form response database. If you feel uncomfortable sharing anything asked in that form, either skip it or let us know so we can tweak the form for you.
    5. Google and other web analytics tools collect information when you browse the web. This can be shared with us in an anonymized manner (e.g. percent of our visitors in the U.S., or percent using mobile or desktop devices). If you don’t want that data shared with Google and other data collection companies, you should investigate and mitigate that on your own using VPNs or other tools and best practices. 
    6. We will never sell or share your data with anyone. What Meta, Alphabet, and other big companies do with it, we can’t speak to… If you’re using one of their browsers or log into one of our tools using their integrations, you’re subject to their terms, conditions, and user agreements.
    7. We won’t keep your data longer than we need to. We will annually purge our email lists and data storage to remove folks who are no longer purchasing or engaging with our content. It’s cheaper for us and safer for you.
    8. Consumer protection laws are important and we feel there should be more of them in the U.S. In addition to the above, we are happy to comply with CAN-SPAM, COPPA, Fair Information Practices, GDPR, CalOPPA, and more with the below:
      1. You can’t visit our site anonymously. You must allow internet service providers to assign your devices an IP address.
      2. We’ll display these policies on our site, and let you know of any changes.
      3. We do not purposely market to children under 13. If you are under 13, you are not permitted to enter any personal information on our site. If this is done by accident, please let us know so we can remove it. 
      4. If we become aware of a data breach related to our business, we will let you know via email within five business days.
      5. We won’t use misleading or unethical email subject lines, email from lines, or addresses.
      6. We will mark any ad as such.
      7. We will include a mailing address in our emails.
      8. No means no. We’ll always include an option to unsubscribe in our emails, and will unsubscribe you immediately upon your request. You can also ask us to remove all of your personal information from our records.
  6. Lucky for you, we include all the taxes and processing fees in the displayed prices on our site.
  7. When you purchase something from us, you get the version of it at the time of purchase. We may occasionally update a product to reflect new information and best practices. If you want an updated version, we’d be happy to send it to ya. Just ping us via our contact form.
  8. Though rare, we may change prices on our products or services on occasion. We’ll let our email subscribers know in advance.
  9. We offer no refunds on our products or services. If you’re disappointed in the quality, please do let us know so we can make it better.
  10. We may occasionally retire certain products. If we do, and you paid for a subscription where you get access to all of our products, we’ll let you know so you can download it before it disappears.
  11. On that note, if instead of sending you a PDF, you purchased a subscription where you have access to all of our products, you’ll have access to those files for 30 days after your final payment was made. If the files were made specifically for you, you’ll have a year to download them before we clean out our Google Drive and make space for new paying clients.
  12. We may occasionally link to other websites. We do our best to ensure that those links not only function as expected but are also valid primary sources of information. However, know that by visiting those websites you agree to their policies too.
  13. We are not internet wizards and cannot guarantee our website, email, Google Drive, and other tools function properly 100 percent of the time. Also, knock on wood, we hope to never have to do this, but we may have to suspend services in an emergency. Power outages, server updates, natural and man-made disasters, global pandemics, death, and dismemberment are just a few examples of things that could go wrong. We’ll do our best to get you what you need as soon as possible when stuff goes pear-shaped.
  14. If you violate any of these and we need to take legal action, you’ll be required to pay for our legal fees as well as our time to deal with the mess at our current hourly rate. 
  15. In all other disputes related to Pastimes Marketing, you can only collect a maximum of what you paid for our product or service. No additional damages can be claimed.

These policies are current as of November 1, 2023. We may occasionally update these policies and will post updates here and email our subscribers when that happens.

If this more casual, simplified version of these policies doesn’t work for you, we’re happy to share our formal Master Services Agreement with all the legalese.

If you have any questions about these policies or our company in general, feel free to message us at friends@pastimesmarketing.com.